Rape! Questions.

If you're thinking the title is leading to some sort of joke you're very wrong.


It’s true that one mans freedom is another mans hell.

I personally think it is wrong to joke about things like rape, and recently rape/molesting has reached a shameful level, especially in the UK.

This morning I was reading some disturbing articles about a young girl who was gang raped by 3 Muslim men.

‘The Queen forced to wear a burkha and Buckingham Palace turned into a mosque – that was the vision of Britain under Sharia law proposed by a Muslim firebrand today. Preacher of hate Anjem Choudary even showed mocked-up photographs of the palace sporting a golden dome and Nelson’s Column as a minaret.’

This is what we've become?

Some members of government have suggested giving women and young girl’s weapons to protect themselves, but, what will this achieve? We all know, if you go out with a knife, there is a higher risk the knife will be used on you, rather than anyone else.

How do you think women should protect themselves nowadays?
What are your views on Anjem Choudary and his proposal?
What do you think will happen to England?
September 11th, 2011 at 01:56pm