My Guiltiest Pleasure 20 questions. Or just questionnaires about oneself in general.

1. If you won 1 million in the lottery what would be the first thing you buy as a gift to yourself?
Tokio Hotel or Owl City as my personal entertainment.
2. If you could ask a "higher power" for one thing what would it be?
to help restore Earth to it's natural form; to rid the world of pollution.
3. What personifies the 80's to you?
Michael Jackson and leg warmers.
4. What is your dream vacation?
an all-inclusive trip for two to the Galapagos Islands.
5. Favorite movie, actress & actor?
Harry Potter. Ellen Page. Brad Pitt (vv stfu.)
6. Conservative, moderate, or liberal?
7. Favorite primetime show, actor and actress?
Oprah. I know none :)
8. Favorite daytime soap actress/character and actor/character?
General Hospital - Jason and Spinelli (sp?)
9. Do you have Twitter? If so feel free to share here.
10. Favorite saying?
A witty saying proves nothing -- Voltaire
11. What is your dream home and/or location?
12. Favorite professional athlete and/or sport?
13. Coke or Pepsi??
14. If you had ONE superpower what would it be?
15. What is your guilty pleasure (the one you'll admit to)?
Answeing these stupid questions :)
16. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Cookies and Cream or Mint
17. If you were deserted on an island, what three things would you bring with you?
Water, a GPS, and toilet paper.
18. Biggest pet peeve?
Obnoxious people who don't realize how obnoxious they are.
and people who say they're bisexual or homosexual like it's a fashion statement.

19. If you were an animal what animal would you be?
a black panther
20. Most hated celebrity?
I'm not sure if he counts, but Perez Hilton.
September 11th, 2011 at 07:40pm