A stupid teenage girl whining about her problems....

I keep trying to answer this question. Last week I was so happy, but now I'm so miserable and I don't know why.

I do that a lot; get sad for no reason at all. I think I'm bipolar, I mean my sister has the disorder, so it's possible I have it as well, right?

The moment my high went to a devastating low was when I went shopping for a homecoming dress. I found a lot, but I didn't like them much. But this one dress I grabbed didn't fit. And the moment when I realized I couldn't zip up the dress made me so sad. Stupid, I know. Who the heck gets sad because a dress doesn't fit? I guess I do...

So then, we get to another store, find some more clothes and I try them on. I look in the mirror and see this disgusting version of myself starring back at me in the mirror and I feel like these clothes don't fit me either.

I get so angry and fed up I leave clothes I didn't even try on in the dressing room and just walk out.

Then my mom gets upset asking me why I'm so mad, why I'm acting like this, why I've decided not to go to that bloody dance. She ignores me after I say nothing is wrong.

The next day (today) people ask why I'm not gonna go. I tell them I'm not interested in it any more, leaving out that I have no date and no dress.

My friend asked me to go with her friend to another schools dance and I f***ing refused. And then immediately I feel bad when I find out someone else is going with my friend to the other dance.

I seriously do not know what the he** is wrong with me.

I feel like when I get sad for no reason I'm looking for attention( because that is what people tell me) but I'm not. I'm seriously not.

I feel like screaming in frustration! I just...I don't even know..

I know you are probably thinking :Yeah this is just some whining little b****" but I don't care what you think...

At least not right now.
September 12th, 2011 at 04:04am