Randomness by E.C.

This is article was written y a member of Kaplan High's Journalism Club

People these days are very random. They have a mind frame where they just say what they are thinking, whether it is the time for it or not.
This comes from everyone being in a rush about everything from work to school to family. They have to be everywhere, taking care of everything to keep up with all the deadlines. It is hard, but people usually manage this by multitasking. They bring work home with them, take the family to work functions and everybody goes to the school events. It is a balancing act that takes dedication, but no matter what, all events cross over into others.
When kids see the adults in their life crossing over on so many topics they begin to see this as normal, so they do it themselves. It is not wrong, and they do not assume it to be, but when they do not focus on the topic at hand it can create many problems later in life. I have only recently learned how to focus my mind on a certain thing, though I still struggle with this all the time.
For example, my friend and I were talking about Homecoming. Somehow this led to a conversation about a project that she did in English that day. We talked about that, and somewhere along the line it led to us talking about some of the new scary movies that have just come out or are coming out in the next couple of weeks, including Fright Night, Apollo 18, and Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, all of which I want to see. Without even trying, my friend and I opened many doors to a conversation that we really never intended to begin.
This is something that happens in normal everyday conversation, it is just because we are so use to it that we never comment on it. Now, people who do have the kind of focus that will keep them on the same topic until they are through discussing it may have bad feelings toward people who do not have the focus. They may assume that they are being ignored or that the person they are talking to feels what they have to say is more important. They feel the snub and they remember it for later. This is unfortunate as it can destroy many relationships.
Having said that, I feel that if children would see more of the adults in their life focusing on one thing at a time, they too would do it and pass that down to their children. All it would really take is having them see the adults in their life doing only one thing at a time. If you are doing homework with your kids, only do that. If you are cooking, do not check your email while you are cooking, unless it needs to simmer. They will probably follow your lead on it, making them more organized.
September 12th, 2011 at 09:35am