The way i'm feeling as we speak....

I'm sat here, up in one of the science laboratries at school, on my own, writing this pointless load of nonesense.......because of bored and lonely........
Things at my school don't always run that smoothly, because severel senior staff members have changed.....
people can get away with murder - but regardless of this, no matter what i've gone through here, and still seem to really like it here, for a reason even i don't know....
especially as i shouldn't, because of the 4 years i've spent here, have became an eternity, with much more besides......but somehow i still like my school :)

Anyway, this is a bit of a useless update to a journal that i've never stared before now, and this is a bit of a tragic start, but oh well, no one is forcing you to read what i've got to say
September 12th, 2011 at 03:55pm