Where did the punk soul go?

Right before I start...I'm not being deliberately ignorant here. I'm talking specifically about an attitude, not a 'movement', nothing political and not the music.
I'm no smart lady, I don't know a lot but here I sit wondering where all the hellraisers and crazy mother fuckers went, the female ones to be specific.
Surely I'm not the only one feeling inspired by Kristen Stewart's portrayal of Joan Jett in The Runaways.
Surely I'm not the only one who sits on the sidewalk in a drunken stupor with a nose pouring blood and not only not knowing how it happened but wanting to beat the shit out of whoever did do it rather than worrying if my face is ruined or crying about it.
Surely I'm not the only woman determined to out drink all the guys cos it sounds like fun.
I cannot be the only one to dismiss all the stunning women on the dance floor of the club who are shaking their hips seductively and choose to rock the fuck out instead.
But where are the rest of you fuckers?!
I'm not a lesbian, I don't think I'm a dude, I don't listen to Misfits or Dead Kennedys, I just want to enjoy life without crying about the most beautiful guy in my world not being in love with me.
I don't want every guy in the room staring at me, I don't want to be any vision of a bombshell.
If anyone is staring at me I want it to be because they're thinking 'What the fuck is that? Its cool!'
Only trouble is women in custom leather jackets with backcombed hair, stripper shoes, more than one tattoo and a sneer are not appreciated these days.
Or are they?
I cannot seriously be the only one hell bent on getting fucked up and offending a few no good sluts along the way? Can nobody scream "FUCK YOU" or something and not worry what will happen?

Oh and by the way if I really need to say it; no I don't have a problem with lesbians, I was just clarifying that I'm not that way inclined.
September 13th, 2011 at 01:42am