Halloween costume!!! + Questions

Hallo! Salut! Bonsoir! Bonjour! Anyone else excited for Halloween??? I AM!!!! ^W^

Sooooo, me and my three best friends are gonna go trick-or-treatin again this year!! We're all gonna be zombies but be like different types of people as well.

Examples: one is gonna be a cheerleader, another a hobo, another a 50's diner girl.

What about me???? Got any ideas of what I can be? (have to be guy costumes, no ballerinas or anything haha) Thanks!! :D


1. What's your favorite thing about Halloween?
2. What are you dressing up as this year?
3. Do you enjoy trick or treating or are you too "old" for it?
4. Favorite candy bar?
5. Haunted houses? Would you go in one?
6. What's your favorite Halloween store?
September 13th, 2011 at 02:13am