My First Kiss

And then, he kissed me. It wasn't anything like i had dreamed it, or wrote about. He didn't grab my waist and pull me in, there wasn't a beautiful background from the starry skies. We weren't laying on a blanket after a night out on the town, nor had I known him for very long. 

We were sitting in the lifeguard shack, just the two of us, because the others all had partying to do on the last night of summer. I was propped up on the counter, with my legs crisscross applesauce and he was standing in front of me, making funny faces at me. Just like we always do. 

This continued for quite sometime, both of us just enjoying the silence i think, and the touch of his hands on my thighs. Then as i looked into his eyes, when his fingers stopped moving on my leg, he gave me this look that i didn't recognize. It was a look of lust i think, a look of determination maybe even. 

Then as if he didn't know what else to do, he leaned in and pecked my lips. And as quickly as his lips touched mine, in a sensation i had never felt before, they were gone. I sat there in shock for just a moment, until i opened my eyes and saw him sitting in the chair in front of me with a smile that shined brighter than the stars.

With that one kiss, came a confidence i had never known before. I yearned for that feeling again on my lips, for him to be that close again. As i smiled at him, i asked with a glint in my eye, "Why don't you come over here and give me a real kiss?" Using my index finger to direct him over. He obliged, walking over with a certain stride, putting his hands back on my thighs and leaning back into me. Then he kissed me again, for a second time, a little harder this time. 

I remember feeling the softness and the wetness on his lips as he kissed me. He wasn't forceful or demanding, i wasn't scared or confused on what to do. It was a natural feeling that i thought would never happen to me. 

This boy, that was in fact my first kiss, is now my boyfriend of one month. He is my best friend and I have never felt so happy with anyone. He is my other half and I am so happy to have met him. Baby I love you =)
September 13th, 2011 at 08:05am