I'm back everyone :D And I dyed my hair again. And pierced my lip. Heh. I feel sexier. x3

To start off....


So I got back about a week ago from Finland. I went there for a concert and unexpectedly had to stay a little longer due to some family things...I guess o.o;

But yea I didn't really have any way to get online much so...I just didn't get online at all x.x Sorry <3 But I'm back now :3 So talk to me allllll youuuu waaaaant <3

but...I started classes. So I might not be on as much as I used too...but I will still be here :3
So anyways I missed you guys, hope everyone else was doing ok while I was away :D
OH and I see no more spam bots <3 Thank gawd.


So I dyed my hair again...

I know I know, it hasn't been that long since I last dyed it but I can't help it, I'm addicted ;~;

But it's fine my hair won't fall out, not as long as I take care of it which I do I promise <3

So here it is...tada~!


Sorry for the pose...it came naturally...and I thought it looked pretty sexy >.<

Notice something different...?

Yes I pierced my lip! :3 Too scared to do it by myself though LOL cause it's my lips...I kiss girls with those D:

but yea here's another picture for the piercing :3


So I feel sexier now with the piercing and hair...I don't know why. It boosted my self confidence a lot...I don't know why o.o

BTW that red mark is from my chest piercing which ripped out so now there is just an ugly hole on my chest which is usually always red. Ugly I know.

But yea I guess that's it...how conceded a journal all about me D; Oh well....

It is MY journalll >:p

Oh and if you'd like to,

Comment my new photo's here because they make Ryuu happy <3

September 14th, 2011 at 01:50am