What I’ve learned from Mibba.

I would like to direct your attention to the mid-right of the screen. Here you will find located journals that I have created so far; you will note one. Thus being that I am relatively new to Mibba having joined a few days ago. The following journal is being created with an open mind and a care free attitude.

My very first impression of Mibba was the people are friendly. I received an awful lot of comments welcoming me to the website, wishing me well and wishing me luck (I later understood what this luck was for). I was wide eyed and hopeful, delighted to have found somewhere to host my crap.

Alas, I thought too soon. I began to notice that a lot of you crave drama. You like to sit around, fingers rearing at the keys and praying for an opinion that you don’t agree with – or so it seems.

Pacifier for the babies?

Have a lot of you incorporated your own high school lives onto the internet? Do you think you’re sitting in home room, having lunch and being the snot?

Wrong place, people. Wrong place.

This is a writing website. It says so quite clearly on the home page. This is also a website with forums for opinions. Will I inform you what an opinion is?

An opinion is a belief you have. You state it. You might not agree with Philip’s opinion and that’s perfectly fine, because Philip probably doesn’t agree with yours either.

Should this bother you? No. Does it? So it seems. Goodness people. Stop making a show of yourself. You do realise that people laugh at you, don’t you? You understand the reason you have so many journal views is because we’re coming back to laugh.

Now I know you’re all going to be upset with this journal; you’ll be sad and angry and you’re going to unleash all of your opinions! But it’s OK because it’ll give people something to look and laugh at.

September 14th, 2011 at 10:40am