Believe it or not... (Comment Swap/ New story Debut, Questions)

Believe it or not mibba

I actually have never told my friends that I like writing. And here I am, on mibba every day writing my little heart out and getting on things such as Project Fiction with my writing. But my friends don't even know, in fact I bet if I told them they wouldn't believe it at all. I guess it's because I don't seem like the quiet and reflective type that someone usually associates with writers. I do notice a lot about the world around me, but at the same time I'm usually talking to people, being outgoing being a general, teenage moron. So yeah, they don't know that I write, which is why I love mibba so much, because it's a place for people to respect my writing and get to know me as a writer and not just Emily.

And on top of that, this boy I'm in love with Mickia the one I mentioned in my last journal HAS A LOCKER RIGHT NEXT TO MIEN. How did I not know this? HOW DID HE SLIP PAST ME?! Well at least that means I can secretly stalk him all year long without having to go out of my way. I realize how pathetic that sounds, but deal with it I can't help that I am a hostage to my hormones.

In other news...

I have officially debuted a new story! This one is an idea that I've had for a long time now that I think is going to turn out pretty fantastic even if its a little different than my usual stuff so without further ado, I give you:


And on top of my new story debut, I will do comment swaps on my story The Things You Leave Behind for anyone that is interested.

1. Do people know about you wanting write?
2. What is your favorite season of the year?
3. Any songs to suggest? (Something along the lines of Jack Johnson, Bon Iver, chill music)

September 15th, 2011 at 12:36am