3rd Wheel? Phobias?

Having just joined mibba only a few short months ago, I have finally started exploring the site more.
And then I realized...I know almost no one. It's kinda funny, really. If I go into chat, everyone seems to know each other somehow.
Looking at the forums, it seems the same.
Maybe I'm just afraid of being awkward.
...Is there a phobia for that?
Allodoxaphobia is the fear opinions. Others opinions?
Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten.
Hmm. Am I angsting now? I hope not. Haha.

Well, that's that.

Next subject!
I've been reading a new book called "Need".
Good so far.
I'd have to say my favorite part about the story is that it lists types of phobias.
...now it's gotten me interested in phobias, and I REALLY want to write a story about someone with a bunch of them.
However, I don't know where to start, and knowing me, I'll probably abandon the story halfway through, because I like to procrastinate and I am easily distracted. Yep, gotta love having ADD.

Hmm...writing this journal makes me want to listen to poems.


Like poetry? Listen to these~!
September 15th, 2011 at 02:08am