Pierce The Veil...really? | sgkjdhjghe.

"Bulletproof Love" by Pierce The Veil is under the 'metal' section on OnDemand. That kind of confused me. I never thought of them as a metal band, or even close. I know they're post-hardcore-y, but. Still.

Anyway, I don't know how people listen to them. Now if they got a new singer, I could. I'm not hating or bashing or whatever you want to call it. It's as simple as I "greatly dislike" that guy's voice and it ruins all of their songs for me. The music is wonderful and I like the lyrics, but his voice is so...whiny. And that's one thing I cannot stand when it comes to vocals.

He, himself, seems like a great guy. I just don't like his voice.

Now I know this may sound horrible, but...I get bored of people quite easily. I can't hang out with the same person too many times in one week; I can't talk to one person for more than two hours straight - things like that. I feel horrible saying that, but it's true.

Online it's different - I've talked to some people on here for almost an entire day straight, and it was fine. In person, hah, F-CK NO.

Is that bad? Like, does it happen to any of you guys? I know some of my friends are the same way, but the ones that are, are just...kind of as-holes to begin with. And I don't think / hope I'm not like that hahah.

My friend, Alex, and his girlfriend broke up. :/ I feel so badly for him. He would do anything for her, but college has seriously torn them apart, in more ways than one, and neither of them were able to put up with it any longer. He's been feeling so sh-tty all yesterday and today. I hate seeing him like this :[ Just generally, when I can't help a friend feel better, I feel like sh-t. I feel like, as a friend, it's my job to get them to feel better. And it's not working for Alex. Ugh.

Byebye. <3
September 15th, 2011 at 08:39pm