I Broke My Ass Bone :(

So guys. I'm kind of stupid.

I almost broke my ass on Wednesday night.

The doctors said that since I'm young, my tailbone is more flexible.

If I had been an adult, I would have a broken ass.

But, it's just extremely badly bruised.

I told three of my friends.

The next day, literally like everyone in my grade knows.

Random phone numbers have been texting me; ARE YOU OKAY BRO?

Aren't I a smart child?

So I bet you guys are wondering how this happened, right?

So I was on this swing in my friends backyard.

The swing had a large rope attatched to a peice of wood. Attached to the wood was 2 metal rings. Hanging from those rings was more rope (this is the rope that snapped). Attached to the rope was a cloth to sit on. The cloth kind of looks like a towel I guess.

Well, at full height, you can swing about 10 feet high.

I was swinging at full height.

Suddenly I here a snap and I hit the ground.

My friend is beside me, asking if I'm okay.

I like, blacked out.

I can't remember falling.

I can only remember hitting the ground.

My friend said on the way down, the rope broke about a meter or two above the ground.

I would've been fine, if my tailbone didn't land directly on the edge of a planter.

So I've been off school, this is my second day off. They say I can go back on Monday.

The funniest part was when I was laying on the stretcher and my step-mom says,

"Ain't that just a pain in the ass...." LOL :D
September 16th, 2011 at 09:28pm