How Would I Start A Story

This is how I would start a story.

This journal is about how I would write a story on Mibba.
The first thing I do is I think of a very vague plot in my head. Such as a woman in the army, or a secret agent, or a relationship between Prince Harry. Once I have that in my head, I see if I can easily build off of that topic. If I can't, then I know that my idea is not worth of a story because it would make it 100 times harder to add chapters to the story.

Once I make sure that I have all of that in my head, I start doing the first steps of starting any story. The description, the summary and the icon image. All of this is before I even write the first chapter all the way. I find that doing this step really helps me because I really get into the plot on the entire story.

After that's done, I write down some key things I want to mention in the first story. My list looks something like:

-introduce Agent Eliss
-talk about what she does and what she did
-introduce her team
-get another case in London, England

The next step after that, I start to write out the final thing. I write in as much detail as possible but in a reasonable amount so my chapters aren't 20 pages long. I review for the flow of the senteces and spell check and then I finally click 'Submit'.

After I got the first couple of chapters done, I usually can see the entire plot of the story in my head pretty clearly. I don't let any of that go to waste and make a thing that I call, Master Plan. A master plan is a list of all the chapters with a small description of them, like:

1. Intro about Agent Eliss and her team.
2. Learn about London Riots case; go to London
3. Interrogation, solve case

Because of those kind of lists, I can easily write chapters before hand. LIke I will in a couple minutes with my story A Woman With Secrets

I hope this helped you anyway.
September 18th, 2011 at 02:23am