Angst Angst Angst...for what reason, exactly?

Why is it that everyone these days has an issue?
Now, I'm not saying I have ANYTHING against it, but it just peeves me off.
Personally, I think half of them (namely adolescents) just want attention. Of course, this could just be MY perception of the world. I know that a lot of my friends have supposed "issues" (though some of them really do...or so I think. Maybe it's just the hormones?)

I hope I'm not being...what's the word...hyper-sensitive? Or just overall too pissy.
I hate being pissy.
I peeves me.

Anyways...I just had to let that off my chest. Ahaha.

Next order of business!

It seems that people enjoy reading my story, "Devil's Princess". It makes me happy. :D And I also posted 2 new stories, which are polar opposites. XD Please check them out, because more readers and comments are lovely.
More more more!

Well! To those who read, thank you once again for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening.

September 18th, 2011 at 04:17am