Best Friend Bucket List

This is Mine and Pauls' Bucket list. We started talking about a week or so ago, and something just clicked. We use to know eachother, but we weren't really friends then. Now..We have a friendship like no other. We talk everyday, 24/7 and each day we always talk about something we have to do we decided to make a list.

Each task must be completed together, or it will not be crossed off the list.


2.Go Skydiving.

3.Go Cliffdiving.

4.Disney Movie Marathon.

5.Horror Movie Marathon.

6.Swim with Sharks.

7.Go camping.

8.Road Trip to Canada.

9.Go to Niagra Falls.

10.Blow money in Vegas!

11.Throw a huge party.

12.Go hunting.

13.Go on a roadtrip with no destination. Let the road guide us.

14.Attend OktoberFest.

15.Tour Europe.

16.Sleep on the beach.

17.Make our own holiday, and celebrate it every year.

18.Take a homeless person out to eat.

19.Make a midnight trip to Dennys.

20.Become foster parents for animals.

21.Have a food fight.

22.Swim at the base of a waterfall.

23.Go swimming in the snow.

24.Go paintballing.

25.Play Ski Ball.

26.Go tubing.

27.Go waterskiing.

28.Play glow in the dark PutPut.

29.Play Normal Mini Golf.

30.Go to disneyland.

31.Swim in all the great lakes.

32.Pet a Tiger.

33.Have Paul teach me how to drive a stick.

34.Feed crocodiles.

35.Visit Thailand.

36.Paint a house neon green with purple trim.

37.Learn Archery.

38.Swim in an aquarium

39.Go snorkeling in a shipwreck.

40.Ride in a hot air balloon.

41.Go base jumping.

42.Get our fly license.

43.Ride a Mechanical Bull.

44.Build an old school kick ass tree house.

45.Ride in an dune buggy.

46.Race in WV bugs.

47.Ride an elephant.

48.Get a dexter cow:DDD

49.Visit Hollywood.

50.Visit Chicago.

51.Visit NYC.

52.Visit San Francisco.

53.Participate in La Tomatina.

54.Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.

55.Visit Alcatraz.

56.Carve our name into someplace famous.

57.Build a home for Habitat for Humanity.

58.Join a big brother/big sister program.

59.Start a blog together talking about our expierence of each task we complete.

60.Attend 25 concerts.

61.Attend a Broadway play.

62.Attend a Raiders game.

63.Attend a Sharks game.

64.Attend a Penguins game.

65.Spend one christmas together, just the two of us, in the mountains

66.Eat at an undersea restuarant.

67.Prepare a thanksgiving dinner from scratch, together, for closer friends.

68.Go to Times Square on New Years Eve.

69.Buy a star.

70.Create a jello pool.

71.Go to seaworld.

72.Go to sixflags.

73.Ride as many waterslides as possible.

74.Go to the Luve

75.Eat at the Eiffel Tower.

76.Visit as many zoos as possible.

77.Spend one day eating only junkfood.

78.See the Aurora Borealis.

79.Play with Penguins.

80.Drink every type of soda ever made.

81.Learn every line to eachothers first favorite movie.

82.Pretend to be a secret agent and make a fake exchange in a crowded coffee shop. Lmao. Pauls Idea.

83.Ride donkeys in the grand canyon.

84.Kiss a total stranger.

85.Send a message in a bottle.

86.Dance in the rain.

87.Buy a crap car and destroy it.

88.Create our own fireworks show.

89.Throw a pie in eachothers face.

90.Create our own animated short.

91.Be in two places at once.

92.Help someones wish come true.

93.Go white water rafting.

94.Get a tattoo at the same time.

95.Go to a rodeo.

96.Catch fireflies on a summer night.

97.Bury a time capsule.

98.Ride a zip line.

99.Go to the mall of america.

100.Be in eachothers wedding

I love you Mister Paulyyy! I can't wait to complete everything on here.

Here's to the adventures that await us:D
September 18th, 2011 at 01:25pm