Something like Hell.

Sounds of September was great, but it was also hell. I cannot even fathom how much I miss everyone from Cass. I miss my friends, the instructors, the directors, and the parents so much. Good lord was it sad. I started getting teary-eyed as soon as I saw Kayla, Mack, Katie, etc. on the bus, then I started crying when I got hugs from everyone. Ugh. I'm too emotional. It was nice seeing Mr. Krug, Derek, and all the others too. I'm excited for the benefit dinner for Mr. Clark to go see him and see everyone again. <3


Sam pulled me aside with Hope later that night when I was walking up to the concessions from the school. He was making sure I was okay, if I liked it here, etc. Hope and Sam are pretty awesome. I'm excited for winter percussion season because I want to do it so bad and because they're really cool. Sam said winter percussion is pretty strict, so I'm excited for that. (: He wants me on cymbals or bass!


The rest of the day was pretty good. Even though I was sick! Hah. I spent most of the day running back and forth between the elementary school, concessions, where the buses were, and where our parents were with DJ. We had fun and he met all of my Cass friends so I was glad. (: I took so much DayQuil and Ibuprofen yesterday. o.o Geesh. I still had a headache and runny nose by the end of the day though; I'm still really sick today too. ):
September 18th, 2011 at 05:16pm