Rawrness | Helpness | Wierdness

I had a meeting at work this morning :p I had to sit there while everyone else got chewed out.
I got to sit there and eat a cookie and drink some coffee at 8 in the morning for a meeting that really didn't apply to me all that much.

I don't even feel like the coffee kicked in at all today.


I also feel like crap. No, less than crap.

Like, a month and a half or even like 2 months ago I posted a hournal in pretty much the middle of the night asking if there was anyone out there that might want to do a story with me.

I had two people and one of them was a different style writer than I was, so it all like "Yeay, trying new things!"


I have been brainstorming for like months and every idea I have doesn't seem good enough at all. For either people that said they'd write with me. I feel crappy.


Now, question. Is it wierd to like, hug someone like they were a friend all your life if you only just met them and started talking to them?

Personally I didn't think so... but maybe I'm just the odd one..?

blerr. whatever.

Yeah this was me ranting about nothing. Had to get it out somewhere, right?
Anybody else feel like I'm rambling...? Yes, no, maybe so?

I thought so.

Well comment your opinion Lovelies? Thank you for reading this pointless journal if you did... :\
A tad pessimistic today. Tell me about your morning while your at it. :] I'd love to hear about a life that isn't my own today. :]

<3 CC
September 18th, 2011 at 06:34pm