Ohhai(: Mai first journal!

So I'm sure alot of you wish to know somethin 'bout me'z. but you can read that in mai about me on mai profile, so if you haven't taken the time to do soez, do nao? #<(=^.^=<) Ohhai (: Kitteh has a waffle! :D (Iluhvstextsmiliefaces...andusinnospacebarxD)

Anywhos. I dun knu what to put in this journal, so...I'm just gonna put updates of mai lifes? Likeee uhhm.... the last fish I got...died..a half hour after I brought it home... T_T I was sads.

Kai. Bein cereals now.. Could someone message me and tell me what this journals for? xDD Like, thatd be real helpful... XDD ohkai I go noaz(: Go Read My Story! Message/Rate/Comment. The title is "Tail Of The Wolves" (get it? Cause their wolves? and they have tails?! OMGSOFUNNAI!xD) but yah. go doez that(: I luhvsyuh ferever if you do<3333 I go noaz, fer cereals.....baiii<333

September 19th, 2011 at 04:12am