Is All This Work Towards Going To College Even Worth It?

im a senior in high school with an average gpa of 3.8 yet im starting to question if going to college is even going to benefit me in the future.

my whole life i've been told by just about everyone that going to college is my gateway to success. society has inflicted my brain with this idea that college is the only way i'll go anywhere in life, and if i dont go to college, i'll have a pretty sucky life with a pretty sucky job. but i know TONS of people who have gone to colleges such as UCLA and USC and work at jobs that pay almost minimum wage.

all of this makes me question my future. in this struggling economy, how the hell am i suppose to believe that a college degree is going to promise me a well paying job? chances are im still gonna struggle like the rest because getting a job these days is just flat out difficult. going to college in just california alone is flat out difficult.

on top of that, college is freaking expensive. many people graduate in debt that will follow them for years. many people could just skip college, go straight to work, and just save all that money.

if someone knows how to use their college degree once they graduate and know how to pay and handle debt then i guess they have a better chance at success. it all comes down to whether you know how to use that degree. because im aware that just because someone has a degree doesnt mean that they'll get accepted to any job they want. everything takes hard work and no piece of paper is going to guarantee a job. people need to know how to make that piece of paper benefit them.

i dont know. im just super confused this post is probably confusing. im still gonna work hard to go to college because i still believe that it'll somewhat benefit me in the future. these are just a bunch of scattered thoughts i've been having in my brain due to a stressed out weekend.
September 19th, 2011 at 10:34am