I'm back.

'Ello darlings!

I just wanted to touch base with ya now that I'm posting again. So stoked, I don't know about you...fingers crossed. I still to this day remember all the incredible reviews and praise on my past stories. It seriously warmed my heart and gave me incentive to continue writing alongside my own inspiration.

Truly wonderful, all you other writers know how that feels.

So, You are my dream is very special to me. It's an entirely new style of writing for me...a unique twist with how I've jumped it straight into the story, no background info. You learn about Andi and her past as the story progresses...really basing it off a flower blooming, if you hadn't noticed; embodying it wholeheartedly right down to the format.

I've been working on it for so long, writing small bits whenever it was fierce and fresh in my mind. That is honestly the best way to write, when you can't get a scene out of your head and it just keeps growing, detail by detail. You can't stop writing. Ubber awesome feeling to have that happen.

The tone of Dream is dear to me too. I've seriously astounded even myself with how I managed to drain every synonym possible describing the connection between Justin and Andi in that first chapter alone. I hate being repetitive with words. There's so many! Gotta branch out or it's just boring to me.

And I'm really hoping I can capture the depth of Andi like in my head. She's a tortured soul, no doubt. Her life is truly something else. When I listen to the right music and lose myself in the scene it feels like I'm submerged in it, 360 degrees surrounded. I need that to be satisfied with the outcome of each chapter.

You have no idea how many times I edit the drafts. Even after I post, I read it on here and tweak it at least three times. I'm named Crazy for a reason! Haha. It's quite a hard thing to describe, how enraptured I become when I write hardcore, but it's exquisite.

And Dream is different because it's the other JB and not my normal Jonas Brothers fiction. I keep going between the two so don't worry, I haven't given up on Nick or Joe. I'll be reposting Intertwined probably sometime this week to occupy you while I finish chapter three.

I still can't believe Mibba deleted Intertwined...I mean, come on. At the very least, send a warning to me and if I don't respond accordingly, then delete it. No fight chance...how rude.

Oh, and I'm planning on posting a new Nick J story.

I've been writing it on and off for about a year...yeah, over a year, I think. Another fabulous, refreshing love interest and a plot that is generally captivating. Diverse from any previous Nick story as well. I'm pumped for it.

Anyway, I thought you all deserved to be kept in the loop of what I'm concocting in the near future. You all have been fantastic readers and I adore each of you for your amazing words and lovely encouragement! It's any writer's dream to earn feedback.

Personally, I'm always looking to improve and as an artist, evolve through critiques and support. I know and am blessed for having you loveys as avid readers and it's all I can wish for to continue to be honored by your loyalty.

Okay, enough sap. I'm mushing you all out. I'm a romantic so of course I use cliches up the wazoo. Haha. I've missed posting! My wish is that you have too.

<3 Crazy-
September 19th, 2011 at 08:37pm