Oh My God This Guy Is Not What I Thought He Was.

So here's the deal. You may remember me talking about Patrick from my last journal, maybe, maybe not. (and thanks for all the hate on my rant by the way, always appreciated...sarcasm) But anyway, I was right. He liked me, and asked me to homecoming. I said yes.
So everything's just good and dandy right? The cute guy asks me to homecoming, I say yes, we live happily ever after, no. I'm starting not to like him as much, and I have no idea why. Maybe because he's moving so fast, I mean homecoming would be a...second date (he wants to take me to a football game friday) and he wants to MATCH OUR OUTFITS, no he's not going to be a drag queen and wear a dress, but he wants to match the colors of our outfits. On the second date. Is it just me or is that way too soon to do something like that. I mean, when he won't say were dating to people yet, why does he want to do that?
I feel like he's hiding me too. He texts me all the time saying, you're amazing, you're so pretty blah blah blah but he NEVER calls. He hasn't called me once. He doesn't tell his friends either. I told mine, why can't he tell his? It doesn't feel right, you know?
So I'm not going to be a b*tch and drop his a** a week before homecoming, but I'm not sure what to do after that. So much for my last homecoming. Woohoo...not. Any suggestions or help? THANK YOU
September 19th, 2011 at 11:42pm