The Most Stupid and Ignorant Person I've Ever Met.

So I have the most annoying girl in my History class. Since we are doing a unit on war, she freaks out when we talk about it she's always like...

"My brother's in the war, you don't understand it's so hard for me to deal with all this war stuff at school, it's so unfair the school makes me do this I have it harder than anyone else in this room."

And that's a quote, exactly what she said. I just wanted to say, "honey, you are pretty dumb." her brother is still alive, so is her mom, her dad, her grandparents, her sister. I would know this because she talks way too much.

Yes, I still have my brother. I still have my father. But I don't have my mom, or my uncle. Actually, I saw my mother die in the hospital. Honey, you have no idea. I wish she would just shut the hell up, you don't see me acting like a baby in class because of it, she shouldn't either.

Another girl in that class lost her dad in that war. What ignorance of some people, don't tell people you have it worse when you have no idea. What a priss. Sorry just wanted to let that out.
September 20th, 2011 at 12:15am