Jumping on the Abortion Bandwagon


A lot of journals centring around abortion have been circulating on the Mibba Journals lately and I thought that it’s high time I gave my share of unwanted and uncared about opinions; because let’s face it , no one cares how you feel, we’re only concerned about ourselves being right.

Firstly, my opinion on abortion is as stands: I do not think that abortion is murder, nor do I believe that a woman is cruel, heartless, wrong or delusional to want an abortion. I also believe that abortion is not acceptable at all, ever, in certain cases e.g. contraception method. I see abortion being fit as a health caution.

When abortion becomes acceptable:
To me, abortion becomes acceptable when we’re talking about life VS death. Not all pregnancies will run smoothly. Half way through a pregnancy, a mother may discover that to save her own life, a termination is necessary. When both lives cannot be sustained, then saving the mothers life must become primary. Example: some people can experience fits (seizures) that are controlled by medication which will damage a foetus or even possibly kill it.

It is NOT unethical to want to live.

The right to life is inalienable. In cases such as rape or incest rape, we want to care for the woman, the young child, that has become a victim; yet we also want to care for the innocent unborn child. How can you do so without hurting a few feelings? Some women cannot live with the idea of having their rapist’s baby within them; they cannot go another day looking at the face of the child that reminds them of that horrible event. Needles to say, should a 12 year old be expected to carry a baby? An underdeveloped child herself, should she have to follow through with this traumatizing unwanted experience? An embryo, a group of cells, the foetus is not fully developed into a baby which is capable of survival until a certain amount of weeks – they are underdeveloped, nothing more than potential life. A 12 year too, is underdeveloped; young and growing, their bodies have not formed yet to be capable of a stress free pregnancy.

As for adoptiong. Oh, adoption, adoption, adoption - always mentioned and recommended by people in abortion debates. Just so that you’re aware, it currently isn’t the greatest option. Why? Because for the last few years, children in Ireland’s Government run care system have been disappearing, only to be found working as sex slaves in brothels and private homes. So no, adoption isn’t always the greatest option. There’s a recession, the Government are on it’s last legs, everything is being slashed: pensions, education, health care, system care - the system is not good at the moment!

My Questions to you
1. Should a 12 year old be made carry through with a pregnancy?
2. Having seen the growing risk of children in care, what is the appeal behind adoption?
3. Do you believe that your opinion may one day change with experience?
4. Do you think cells (embryo) are human life? Or potential human life?
5. What is your opinion of abortion?
September 20th, 2011 at 09:24pm