You're a f*cking stereotype.

Okay, to put this straight the word, "Stereotype," will make you think of different things. For half of this society the word pretty much divides all of us by race, ethnic groups, interests, clothing, style, money, and probably even more stupid things.

I am not goth, scene, emo, indie, hipster, rocker chic, prep, jock, sporty, metal head, nerdy, class clown, pervert, pot head, skater, or whatever else the society has concocted in their mixing bowl of stupidity.

My school is very small. There is only one class per grade, and my class only consists of about nineteen people. We are all very close friends, and we all get along. During lunch, we always sit together and somehow get along. And you know what? We have zilch in common. And guess what else? We're all friends.

When I look at other schools, everyone is separated. Now, I am not saying all schools, or any school specifically, but whenever I seem to look at any typical school everyone is divided by stereotyping.

But here's the thing, I'm not assigned a specific style to be known by. I'm just me. It is terribly annoying to see people flinch at somebody that isn't their stereotype, like a prep hating a goth. It's ridiculous.

For an example, everyone complains about how divided and terrible society was before Martin Luther King sort've settled the issue. Whites never talked or associated with Blacks, and it was the same the other way around. Well what's there to complain about! The segregation laws from back then are just as dividing as stereotypes now!

I have nothing against anybody of a certain style or race, I just think trying to become a certain "style" to be able to fit into society shows lack of creativity and being yourself. So I don't have anything against someone's style specifically, it's just the idea of stereotyping that pisses me off.

But the biggest part of this is that bothers me is how any normal people who aren't specified into stereotyped groups are known as outcasts. It's extremely unfair for the normal people. It's not their fault, and they have no right to be considered a rejects, or outcasts. To be quite honest, the normal people are usually the coolest and most fun to hang out with because they're just themselves. They're not concerned about the next scene/screamo band to listen to, or to go to football practice, they're just concerned about staying out of all that crap. They just want to be themselves, and nothing else. And apparently that's not good enough to put through society's human machine, so modern day people shun them and consider them "outcasts".

So basically, I don't want to be remembered as something that modern humanity assigns me too. I want to be myself. I want people to remember me, and not anything else.
September 21st, 2011 at 02:48am