If You Read Ville Valo Fan-Fiction...

Than you may have read one of mine in the past. I have been re-writing some old stories and have started new ones.

I have written under the names:

Violet888 (Quizilla)
xLittlexMissxScarexAllx (Quizilla)
VioletxTwilightX_X (Mibba)
VioletxValoX_X (Mibba...Same account, different name)
xVioletxValox (LiveJournal)

I've written a lot of stories and I hope if you were one of my readers in the past, you'll read what I have now. If you've never heard of me, I'll tell you the worse things about my stories and see if it's a deal breaker for you...

I can't promise I'll finish.
All my characters have these things in common:
They are unconventionally attractive
They are creative, not artistic genius', but they often have more than one hobby/talent
They are gothic in nature, not always in dress
I like to use sex scenes as fillers, but they're pretty graphic
My spelling and grammar are often incorrect.

So if you don't like any of that, you won't like my stories. They all share these traits because I can relate to them and I don't know how to write a none-creative person. I do try very hard to build them each as a real person. I write a lot of information about their lives I don't put in the story just so they seem more real.

I am always open to constructive criticism as long as it's actually constructive and not just criticism. If you start swearing at me I'm just going to think you're a troll, so please just be respectful.
September 21st, 2011 at 05:04am