Oh, children, we have so much to talk about! [+questions because I know you love them!]

I haven't really been active on her for at least a full month.

Do not fret, my fellow Mibbians, for I have great excuses, but I'll get into those a little later. I just wanted to start off and say hello. A lot of you don't even know who I am, but that's okay! I like to talk to people, if you keep it interesting (or I don't get too lazy to comment back), so come and talk to me. Because I'm a lonely loner. Yeah, that's it.

This is really off topic, but does anyone else notice how incredible hot every Australian is? Seriously, it's like every single one I meet is beautiful. I am so moving to Australia.

Anyways, onto the point of this journal.

The reason I haven't really been on here lately, is for one, school started. I've been pretty much trying to get used to everything that comes with school; an entirely new schedule for everything from eating to sleeping, and how to deal with my after school schedule. YO, I'M IN THE MUSICAL AT MY SCHOOL. We're doing West Side Story. No, I'm not Tony or Maria, I'm one of the hardest parts, the ensemble. We do all the hard dancing, okay? And my leg is so sore and we've only been rehearsing for two days. Ugh.

Oh, and because of my complete brilliance, I decided to audition for the winter play, Antigone which starts rehearsal right after my musical rehearsals are done. I've been so tired these past few days, that I've basically just crashed. And for some odd reason, I love it. This is exactly what I wanted: to be involved. I just didn't know that it would hurt as much as it does. Well, I'm just going to stop now. I doubt you want to hear about how my year's going, unless you know me. So, unto the questions:


1. How's your school year / work going for you so far?
2. What's your schedule like? Is it super crammed?
3. Australians, what's your take on them; hot or not? (I sound like a freaking magazine or something)
4. Doing anything special this week?

Have a great night/morning or whatever where ever you are! :)
September 21st, 2011 at 06:44am