Stuff plus a picture. :]

As promised in my last journal, here is a picture of the car I will hopefully be buying soon!


Even if I end up getting a different car, I can drool over this one. :]


I went to the E.R. last night because my chest hurt really bad all day, taking deep breaths made it worse, and it didn't feel right and I was worried it was something serious. It turned out to be a condition called pleurisy, which is inflammation and swelling of the lining of the lungs. The doctor told me it's most likely from the cold I had a week ago and I was told to take ibuprofen because it will help with the inflammation and pain and I'll be fine. Hahah.

The E.R. was surprisingly empty. There was only one other person there besides me, so I didn't have to wait long at all. It was awesome. The last time I had been to the E.R. when I was like 12 when I broke my arm, it was busy and I had to wait for a good couple hours.


I didn't go to class today and I have no work today, so I've been pretty bored. I could have gone to school, because even though my chest still hurts I'm fine. I just didn't feel like it, and the doctor had written me a note for school so I can use that when I see my teacher on Friday. :]

Plus it gives me a bit more time to finish my essay for English haha.
September 21st, 2011 at 10:27pm