Homecoming, getting over somebody, and smiling so much it hurts your cheeks. [Oh, and questions.]

My best friend won't speak to me at school now because his girlfriend isn't too fond of me. You see, last year, he and I were extremely close. And word had gotten back to her (she's a grade lower than us, she didn't go to our school at the time), and she had accused him of liking me and wanting to break up with her. He didn't act any different at school or anything until this year.

She's made him start sitting with her friends, and now he won't even look at me. To say the least, I've lost all respect for him and I have no intention of regaining our friendship. It hurt really bad, but who needs people in their lives like that anyway?


So, there's this guy. And apparently he's asking me to homecoming according to just about everyone. The other day, I was walking out of school with my friend and him, and she pulled him away and was talking to him so I couldn't hear. Then she told me what they were saying like five seconds after he left, but still. Apparently he's asking me on Friday, and word has gotten around to so many people, it's insane.

About five different people came up to me today, and were all:

"Soo, I heard you were going to homecoming with Kevin."

Me: "Um, he hasn't asked me yet."

Them: "Yeah, but he's gonna."

Me: "I'm quite aware of this, thank you."

It got a little annoying after a while. But it did make me smile like crazy all day. I was talking to my other friend in Journalism today, and he told her that he's going to bring me flowers and I almost died. I was just sitting there, trying not be like, "OH DEAR GOD WHY ME, NO OH MY GOD. THAT'S SWEET, BUT NO." Because even though I love flowers for an occasion like this, I hate attention being brought to me. He's going to get me lilies too. LILIES. They're my favorite. ;----;

As you can, see I'm pretty wound up about this. It's kinda stressing me out for some reason haha.


1. Have you ever had someone stopped talking to you because the person they're dating is an insecure little bitch?
2. Are you going to Homecoming?
3. Do you like or hate attention being drawn to you?
September 22nd, 2011 at 12:44am