Hiding in the airport from my dysfunctional family.


The title of my meoirs, without a doubt, will be Seeking Refuge at the Airport from my Dysfunctional Famaily

I'm here with my grandmother, my two sisters and my brother and it's an absolute nightmare! We've only been here like, an hour? I've already hidden from them in the bathrooms, Subway, Starbucks, Easons - at this rate I'll be the size of a hosue if I have to buy anymore food so I can hide in the stores! Dammit .__.

I love them, never the less, but what can you do? Family is family, right?

1. Do you enjoy the airport?
2. Favorite flight you've ever had?
3. Worst holiday experience?
4. Dream holiday?
September 22nd, 2011 at 03:09pm