
My friend gave me the idea to write an about me journal. Actually I kinda stole the idea. But she said I could! So I suppose i more or less borrowed the idea.

I have many fatal flaws. I push people away. As soon as someone is close to me I start to fade away from them until I am completely gone.

I sit and remember things WAY too often. I replay bad days in my mind trying to stop myself, but inevitably I let the memory play its course in my head.

I hold onto things that simply no longer exist.

I "steal" people's emotions. If someone I know is sad, I am sad. If the people I know are happy, I'm happy..same goes for just about any other emotions.

I care way too much what people think to the point where I will not buy a shirt because I can't picture myself wearing it in front of a certain friend. Even if the shirt is exactly my style and I love it.

I tend to copy people's ideas.

Friendships mean a lot to me which is usually a good thing until you let your own needs go to help a friend and end up with no friends at all.

I miss people who I should no longer even think about.

Rest assured I have good qualities too.

I can sing, act, and dance.

I can write pretty well. Not stories, but speeches and poetry.

I am a bit philosophical and occasionally make very profound comments.

I find myself attractive. Not in a "I love myself way more than others way" but I am content with my looks. I don't worry about them too much.

I've had my share of hardships. Granted I know people who are way less fortunate than I. And I pray for those people.

I have a couple best friends: Nicki and Allison.

I still care deeply for my first boyfriend who is now my ex. I love him, but I am content with being "just friends". I should have lost him all together.

I live with my mom, dad, and sister, three dogs, and two cats. I love my sister. My mom and I are great friends. And my dad and I...well we fight a lot...but I still love him.

I have a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I like them. They aren't weird or ask me how i am feeling or how I feeeeeel about certain subjects.

I take classes at my community college. I started college at age 14. I enjoy it immensely. I hate all things math, in fact I have a poem entitled NO MORE MATH.

I love baseball, but hate all other sports.

I am insane, but I love it!

I love 4-H!

That's me. Im not very interesting...
September 23rd, 2011 at 01:02am