It'll get better

It is an epidemic that has climbed its way amongst our teenagers; suicide. How many lives do we need to lose before we realise just how much society is affecting our teenagers? A million... Or maybe even three? On average we lose 3 thousand people to suicide. 3 thousand lives that could’ve gone to college, three thousand people that could’ve been happily married and have kids of their own. These are the people that cannot speak and say “I’ve had enough”. The only way for them to escape their pain is through suicide and sometimes even cutting.

You go through life and you see all the teenagers that are different from all of us. And automatically you may start to get judgemental because they look different; they’re wearing something you wouldn’t be caught dead in. They may be wearing bracelets up their arms or their hair may be as black night. And we automatically judge them. We find an inch of “abnormality” and turn it into a mile. For awhile we’re strangers in our own bodies. We have no idea what is right or what is wrong. We’re just living clueless. But one day we will find ourselves.

It will get better. Many people say that, and to some those are just words. Because how could anything in this life get better? There are so many things that get turned bad; there are so many things that will tear a person apart. How can life be good?

I myself have been through these situations. People automatically look down on you because you’ve been cutting or because you cry all the time. I’ve been through the darkest most daunting times. And I cried... After awhile I grew numb and numb and I eventually couldn’t feel any pain. I cut myself almost every single day because it felt good. My mind was confused, my mind was blank... But another thing; my mind enjoyed the pain that I had inflicted on myself. Even though I still may be deep in that depression there are a few things that keep me alive today... The thing is... It will in fact get better. Depression isn’t forever. Crying in your bed at night isn’t forever. Cutting your wrist isn’t forever. It’s just something you will go through for awhile. It’s an escape. All you have to do... All you have to know is that one day IT WILL GET BETTER.

You will find your happiness no matter what that is! Beauty, that can be defined in so many ways. The beauty of life, the beauty that lies inside of your heart and the beauty that is you; embrace life don’t let it lose you. Because once you’re gone from this life all you’ll be is a memory to those who have ever loved you. Speak out, and stand for what you believe in because you opinion matter everything you say matters. And no matter what anybody says you’re beautiful. You do not need somebody saying you are not.
September 23rd, 2011 at 10:21am