My mate Alex can be so dim. Just ... oh my word (I got sorted)

We were passing a 'Give blood' sign and he genuinely asks; 'Can girls donate period blood?'

I didn't even answer him. I just shook my head at him, incredulously.

I can't tell if thats worse than the time he asked if it's lions or tigers in The Lion King.

It's funny, he's actually pretty smart education-wise ... but he really does say/ask the stupidest things sometimes. Bless.

I keep saying I'm back on here but then I go again. But I am definately back this time. I think. Yes. Maybe. Hopefully. I will start posting my Moonrakers story again soon. Yes. Maybe Hopefully.

I finally just got sorted into Pottermore. It came to a hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and I chose Gryffindor because I've always felt it was the house I belonged in most. Plus, I am no way smart enough to be a Ravenclaw. I'm very thick. I don't even understand how it could have been a possibility for me.

Do you ever secretly sort people you know into houses? Cos' I find myself thinking about it sometimes. Like, I think Alex would be a Hufflepuff because his strongest traits are his loyalty, kindness and fairness. Anyway ...

- Whats something dim one of your friends have said lately?
- Are you in Pottermore? What house? Do you think it's right for you?
September 23rd, 2011 at 04:52pm