My newest piece of Supernatural-related rainbowvomit.

Rainbowvomit. Because it's awesome but it's gross how obsessed I am with this kid.

Far From Free

Yes, it's about Adam Milligan. I've been raving the past few days to my roommates about how he should be rescued from hell, so finally one of them said, "Dude, just write a fan fic about it and get all this angst out. You can totally do it!" So here I am.

Technically, I already have one piece of SPN fic on here titled In Decay but it's not posted yet. We'll see which one goes up first. I'm betting on the Adam one. Haha.

Seriously though. I love Adam Milligan's character. And I wish they'd bring him out of the hole.


Tonight is the beginning of season 7! Who's excited? I'm gonna die. I'm gonna be a puddle of emotions.


Honestly though, I will still watch the show no matter what happens to Castiel or to anybody. I love it. That's all there is to it.

<3 So yeah. Feel free to subscribe early to the Adam story :3 Maybe I'll update it tonight? We shall see!
September 24th, 2011 at 12:42am