[i]Young Justice[/i] is [i]BACK[/i]!!

I am so happy and excited and- 'sniffle'-I can't even express how I feel about them finally putting up new episodes! I just wanna hug everybody!

'cough' Sorry, got a little carried away...

Anyway, since they've finally committed to showing new episodes (and a second season in the first quarter of 2012-I think I'll die happy come December), I went back to reread 'Young Justice: Destiny' so I could continue writing. Well, I noticed way too many things I wasn't happy with, so I want to rewrite the whole thing!

Some things will be changed (Jackie will be introduced in the first 'episode', there'll be more details, and it will be in Dezzie's point of view), so if there's anything you want me to do, tell me now!
September 24th, 2011 at 02:18am