
I'm Sorry.
I'm bored.
I have nothing to read.
And so I wanted you ask you, all the mibba-ers out there.
Are there any stories to read?
Anythings fine, except fan-fics.
I don't know why, I can't stand them.......
Yeah, thanks!~
I hope for something good to read.
And I hope people are nice out there and won't say anything about my spelling and grammar...

*~*~*~No Need to read, but you can if you want to~*~*~*
And now, I'm short again...

I don't type much do I?

Huh, my tummy hurts....

And so not I also need to put attention in to my journals, huh? And to make sure it's not "sill Spam"? Well, I could do that if you want me to, freaking mibba rules.

Why do we even have rules for journals anyways? What's the point of it? I mean, I guess it's to stop spammers and short, no point (like mine kinda is) journals, but I think people are smart enough to not do that....
September 24th, 2011 at 03:22am