Is it just me?

I've never put up a journal before. o.O haha.

Have you ever noticed that when girls are mad at each other, they argue and talk about each other behind each others' backs, but guys are basically like "oh it's cool man" and everything's good?

And when girls fight, they start off cussing at each other (as if they've never been called a 'bitch' before) before they start getting violent, whereas guys just go for it.

The girls fighting brings me back to something - people are so fake. I've been in school for about 6 weeks now, and I've already lost 5 friends. And it was either because they were talking bad about me behind my back, or they tell other people my secrets, and I got tired of it.

It's stupid and annoying, and you're not making me look bad, you're making yourself look bad.

"You can tell more about a person by what they say about other people then by what other people say about them."

Anywhooo, if anybody's reading Cinderella Man and wondering 'what's wrong with her? why isn't she updating?' - I'm sorry! My computer has to be fixed, and I had to send it in, and my mom's being shady and won't let me use hers, & I'm writing this on my phone, soo... It should be back sometime next week though. :)
September 24th, 2011 at 04:45am