Junior Year; Bigger Questions.

I'm a junior this year and I've got my hands full with my schedule and all. My classes are amazing, but some are more difficult than others, like my CITS Psychology class. It happens to be my favorite class. Sure it's a college class, but a super fun topic. In my class we do a lot of decisions and well, I'm extremely anti-social.. I know my thoughts are well thought out. I just don't have the courage to actually raise my hand and say my insight on the topic of the day. So, yesterday we were talking about schizophrenia. Which of course is where a person sees and hears things that aren't there. It got me thinking.. what would be the difference between schizophrenia and people who encounter apparitions. I mean sure there is tools and stuff that "prove" ghosts are real. I just don't understand what would be the difference. Would that make everyone who claims they can see and talk to "ghosts," just as mentally ill as schizophrenics? I am a believer in the "spirits" and "after world," but my question is how can you differ the two?

Please comment with your view or opinions.

I love you all.


September 24th, 2011 at 08:28pm