I am so proud of myself. :D[comment swap]

I just completed my first story! It's the only story I've ever finished. Ever.

I just feel so awesome right now. So awesome that I want to comment swap on this completed story.

I'll Never Be The Same

It's a total of nine chapters, and they're all relatively short. I will read anything you want me to.
And when I say anything, I mean anything. :D


Now that it's complete, I might try going back to writing my other story. It's been pretty neglected lately, and I feel horrible for all the people who are subbed to it. -_-
Anyway, I might start on some new ones too. I have some ideas floating around in my head :D

I will stop typing now. Let me know if you want to swap :)
September 24th, 2011 at 10:10pm