Existential Crisis FTW

"I've been having these weird thoughts lately, like, is any of this for real, or not?"

That, my friends is an amzing quote. Not only because it's from Kingdom Hearts (one of the best games ever) it's also true. At least, to me it is.

Does anyone else out there ever just stop and wonder what if this isn't real? What if this is all a dream? I could be in a coma right now dreaming all this shit up and there's no way I could tell. Hell, you could be the one dreaming this and maybe I'm the one who's not real.

It scares me, I'm not going to lie. It's like, the thoughts always there, just hovering in the back of my mind. I keep playing more and more video games now and reading more books (if that's possible), in games I am the hero, I'm in a world which I know doesn't exist but is so intriguing I can pretend it is. This journal is pretty weird huh? If you've got this far have a cookie. :)

Anyway, I guess I'm just writing this to tell someone, I need to know that other people feel this way. Urgh, this is getting depressing.

I guess I should close this up in case anyone out there is now freaking out, so I'll leave the way I started, with another epic quote.

"If this is all a dream, don't wake me up." Cloud Strife FFVII
September 25th, 2011 at 12:31am