I just discovered not to long ago (meaning like literally a couple of hours ago) I am writing this on here to try to connect with people on here to see if they have any. If you do I will link my page below so you can add me or you can comment below your page for me to add you! If you do not have a goodreads and maybe this is your first time hearing about it and your a book lover I suggest you sign up.

Goodreads is a website where you rate books to get reccomendations to other books you should read. Also you can find the books that you are currently reading and update your status on it like what page your on and that type of stuff. This website allows you to connect with other book lovers through book groups. And once you've finished a book you can write your own review on it for others to see. Also, if there is a book you see and you'd like to read sometime in the future you can mark it so that it will be in a group call 'to-read' and it will be easy for you to find when you are ready to read it! I hope some of you find this and add me! (:

Link to my GoodReads!
September 25th, 2011 at 03:29am