Journal Entry 1

Mood: tired;;happy
Time/Date: 7-3-07;;2:54am
Entry #: One
Its too god damn early in the morning. This is not good for me in any way, shape, or form. I should be sleeping. I haven't had much sleep since summer began and I feel like shit. I feel like I'm about to frikkin' die from the lack of sleep. I also think that I want to celebrate the fact that Gerard isn't engaged to Eliza Cuts anymore. No, I don't fancy Gerard that way, I'm just glad that he realized that Eliza wasn't for him. Frank's my main man, and I'm happy for him and Jamia.
Alright... on to another subject: My Stories. Okay, so those of you that have read my oneshots, you possibly read Snow Day, if I am correctly assuming. But anyways, if you have, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to continue it for those of you that wanted me to continue that story. At the moment, my brain has been rid of all creative thoughts and I am not in the state of mind to even try and attempt to force myself to get creative.
If you would like, you may leave ideas in a comment to this blog. Or a comment on my profile. Or [if you must] PM me your idea. I like to know what you guys think and I think that it is a great idea to have you all help me out. And of course, if I use your idea, I will credit you in every-single-chapter that the story continues through.

Alright, I'm done with my stories... on to My Chemical Romance and Projekt Revolution. Haha. I am so excited about PR!! It is my first festival and I'm f*cking stoked. I've seen MCR once live already... but Mikey wasn't there. And truth be told, it wouldn't bother me if he wasn't at PR because he really hasn't been here through almost the whole tour, so him not being at PR isn't that big of a deal. But what will be a big deal is me possibly meeting my all time favorite guitar god: Frank Iero!
As you all may [or may not] know, Frank Iero is my idol. My "love". My life. Ookay, I sound like a little fangirl. But trust me, I don't hear wedding bells. I know that shit is way too farfetched for me. For f*cks sake, I'm 15. My chances are what... 1 in a Bajillion?! Haha.
This may be a little overboard but I bet you a million dollars that I will start crying after I meet him. And I'm not just saying that. I will seriously start crying because 1) I met Frank Iero. 2) I may never meet him again And 3) I'll be so happy that I actually meet my hero. Haha. It sounds pathetic, but that is the most true [and fangirlish] thing you will ever hear a "Non-Fangirl" say.

Haha. I have to go to bed. I'm about to pass out, and I have to get up early if I want to go to the park with my cousin. I'll chat you all up later if you would like... just PM me or leave me some love on the profile! :]]

July 3rd, 2007 at 09:12am