The year is 2027, Mibba, and I have questions.

I've been looking into this thing called transhumanism and I even have the symbol for it tattooed on my wrist. It's the intellectual and physical development of humans through technology and machines. Cyborgs, artificial intelligences, extreme robotics, if you want any examples. Image

I was asked a question today: "Would you chop off one of your limbs just to become mechanically enhanced?" And it got me thinking. Image I found it to be a pretty hypothetical question despite advancements in transhumanism happening even today.

My answer? No. I support transhumanism but I'm not some extremist or a sort of radical that would mutilate my own body for the enhancement of myself. I would most likely get some cerebral implants ((to access the internet, having a laptop within your mind)) but that's because of my preferences.

I'm a sort of "hacker", so those implants would help me with my technological career and just, all together, benefit me. But that's my opinion on it and it would depend on the people in charge and the dealings behind the scenes. Never commit yourself to something without knowing the full story.

- - -

I have this teacher in my school, I am taking one of his classes. It's trigonometry and pre-calculus. I adore this teacher, he's pretty much my idol. Image He's done so much in his life and he still continues to do things. He's done a lot and accomplished a lot, and he kinda inspires motivation in me.

But I'm one of his least favorite students. Image

I don't know what I did so wrong. I just sit in the back of the room, take notes and ask questions when I have no idea what he's talking about. I get lost pretty easily when it has to do with math. It's not my best subject. But for some reason, he dislikes me, and I don't know how to react to that. Image

So, questions for you, Mibba.
01. Would you get any mechanical implants or updates? Chop off a limb to get a mechanical arm? Implants for your eyes to see better?
02. What do you do when someone you adore doesn't like you?
03. Do you believe in ghosts?
04. Ever gone ghost hunting or had an experience?
05. How was your day?

And with that, good luck and happy writings, Mibba.
I hope you have a nice day/night. Image
September 27th, 2011 at 12:18am