Journal #3 Lets talk about my so-called-friend


She was my best friend in 2nd grade, and we sort of lost our friendship in freshman year, which is now.

She bitches at me, and I try to be reasonable but add some bitch as I talk to her back.

Like she whined about how her mom hated her. I told her that her mom didn't hate her, and if she did, she would've had you aborted, or not clothed, fed, and sheltered her. She didn't believe me and just blew it off as nothing.

I told her that she needed to start wearing color, and that being emo wasn't as cool as people think it is. At least not in my school. She said that that was who she was, emo. I told her it wasn't and that she use to be a girl that was nice and didn't wear black. She literally hates every color, except black. I love the color pink and she hates the fact that I do.

Every time I went to youth group with her and Whitney(her gothic friend) they don't even listen to the director. They just sit there on the couch, poking and whispering to each other. And here they whine about all this stuff that was discussed by the youth group director.

In 7th grade, Amanda was going to donate her hair to Locks for Love. 2 WEEKS OF NO SHOWER. I asked why she didn't shower and she said she was donating it anyways. Like, really? Do you want a cancer patient to have greasy hair? And she smelt horrible for those 2 weeks.

Shes also so weird. I'm not against Lesbians and Gays, but its annoying when your friend just decides to brush her hand against your shoulder. And lean their head on your shoulder. And literally breathe in your face 'hi there'. I'm not sure if she's lesbian or bi but its annoying me.

Plus, she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend happens to be my ex AND my BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD. She narks to him all the time. And they always want to hang out with me when they're together. I'm 100% expecting them to call me 'HI THIRD WHEEL'. Brandon, her boyfriend, knows I hate Amanda but he just doesn't care. Did I mention that she thinks Brandon and her are going to 'LAST FOREVER!!! <3 LIKE OMG' (she didn't actually say that, but thats the phrase behind her words'.


She wanted me to help her out with some babysitting. I told her I couldn't because I had lots of homework and had to go to youth group. Her response?

Fine then be that way.

I told her I would be that way then. Her response?

Fuck you.

I have never felt so good to finally tell her fuck you.

Next day. She acts as if we didn't even have a fight. Nope. She didn't go and whine to her little boyfriend about it. Nark.

Alright. So I always correct her spelling. Who wouldn't? She spells like this;

hey ther
hey ther
kl (thats her abbreviation for 'cool')
wl idc aout hr (well I don't care about her)

Shes not a fucking 10 year old.

So anyways I corrected her and she goes

shut the fuck up!

At least she spelled that correctly.
I'm surprised. She doesn't usually use the word 'fuck'.

Sorry for ranting. I just needed to let off steam or I'll break something.
September 28th, 2011 at 04:44am