How are we all?

How is Mibba today? I am avoiding stuff at the moment and I'm annoyed a bit so I'm going to rant a bit.

I don't like when people just are impolite and make people purposely awkward. Like when people on here certain users on here, they have to leave their journals alone, it gets to me unless the person is being so rude to you, it annoys me.

Anyone on here can comment on public journals, they have every right to. Just because you don't see eye to eye with them doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to comment.

I can sort of get if they are harassing you or something, leaving harsh comments within the Mibba rules. But some people do it to stir the sh*t.

I'm aware this is not a helpful rant, but I needed to vent.

How are you Mibba?
September 28th, 2011 at 06:55pm