Life would be easier without emotions sometimes

I get annoyed at myself for getting annoyed at my boyfriend.

It's a frustrating circle. I only get annoyed at him because he's purposely winding me up. And because I'm away at Uni and I miss him, loads. I'm only an hour away but when you've got lectures and he's got work, it's hard to see each other often. Not forgetting we have been virtually inseparable since we met really.

We both decided my leaving was a good thing, or else we'd get bored of each other. We don't argue. We don't disagree particularly on anything, other than pizza toppings of course. And I'm scared, because as soon as I started getting annoyed at my ex was when things took that fateful turn.

I'm not saying I'm comparing relationships, because I'm not. What happened with my ex was brutal because I had an emotional breakdown he couldn't handle. I just don't like getting annoyed, when I know its just cos I miss him. We take our emotions out on the ones we love the most because we know/hope they'll stick by us and help us through it.

Emotions suck.
September 28th, 2011 at 11:58pm