Is it just me, or...

does anyone else ever have that feeling to dig out all your really old, terrible stories from when you were like 11/12 and post them? Recently, I found all these really old, lengthy, detailed, but terrible stories that I wrote when I was in 7th-9th grade. Now, being 18, it's pretty funny reading over them but they make me super nostalgic for that time frame (even though I absolutely hated those years of my life). The very first ones I wrote were the most cliche', over the top, and super unrealistic stories, and they were all about Green Day. You know, the typical "OMG I JUST GOT TICKETS TO SEE GREEN DAY BACKSTAGE AND NOW I AM ON TOUR WITH THEM AND LIVE WITH THEM OMG LOL."

You know, that kind of cliche'. But hey, I was young, and since then I've obviously grown to write things that are much deeper in content and have some pretty insane plots. Shortly after my Green Day story phase, I started writing My Chemical Romance stories and wrote some reeaaallly lengthy and in depth ones, that actually had pretty good back stories overall, but were still just over the top and unrealistic in how their characters acted. Not to mention, for some reason I liked to make the main character's object of affection be incredibly bi-polar and insane.
Trust me on that one.

But anyway, just reading over those stories, no matter how terrible they are, almost makes me want to just type them up as they are and post them. Of course, I know they won't get any readers and people will probably question my sanity considering how terrible they are, but I almost want to post them just to be able to post them. A lot of these stories I wrote never got posted because I grew up quick enough to realize they were terrible (after writing 80 million chapters). It makes me wish I could just have a little section in My Stories section where it could be like "Old Work" or something and just post them there.

But who knows... maybe I will one day.
I doubt it.

But does anyone else ever feel like that? Ever? Just me? Probably so.
September 30th, 2011 at 03:25am