Hey Miki, stop your ranting.

Oh my fucken god. Im sick of people shit.

My best friend is a little bit different and she stands out a little. She writes one status on facebook and she gets a lame comment. Why cant people learn that bullying isnt gonna solve anything.

Eventually it will turn into suicide. I hope those people feel guilty!

This person obvously doesnt like people being different. Wow, what does she want? Everyone to be perfect and normal. Well too bad you not gonna get that. If everything was perfect the world would be boring.

Im sick of people wanting attention too.

For example.

I hang out with this girl, she was really nice and then she went and hung out with the popular crowd and now she just blows everyone off. She doesnt give a shit. Like i dont care. She could have gotten me into a lot of trouble. But i didnt, but it still counts.

That day when she hurt me, i was fed up, i was gonna punch her square in the face. I wanted to so bad, but i walked away and said "FUCK"!. They just laughed. Why does everyone have to be so mean?

Im not an easy target. I can fight with someone, for ages if i wanted too.

Going back to my point of judging people.

I listen to music that is a little different to most people i know.

I listen to hardcore.
The bands i like are:
Asking Alexandria
Escape the Fate
Bring me the Horizon.
Black Veil Brides and all that other heavy shit.

But it doesnt mean people have to pay me out. It doesnt nessarelly make me emo, if i listen to heavy music. People have said emo so much that its lame and doesnt even have a meaning anymore. But, some people cant get that through their thick heads.

Im sick of the shit they give me for it. Why cant everyone just be nice? And no im not asking everyone to be perfect.

But seriously. People just randomly pick on people for their tiny imperfections or flaws. imperfections make people beautiful, because knowone is perfect. But some people cant see that.

Im fed up and i have had enough.

Oh and check out my story: Black Keys

Thanks for taking time to read my ranting.

Love you all <3

Miki xo.
October 1st, 2011 at 10:43am