I've had a long nap and a frozen caramel frappe; now what?

Yesterday, I came home from school and went on the computer for a bit. Then, at five-o'-clock, I decided to take a short nap. Well, that "short nap" lasted for thirteen hours. I woke up this morning at seven and thought: Wow, I didn't know I was that tired.

My mom went to McDonald's yesterday while I was "napping" and got me a fillet-o-fish, fries, and a caramel frappe. She put the fries and sandwich in the refrigerator and put the frappe in the freezer. When I woke up this morning, I warmed up the sandwich and ate it. I didn't know she got me a frappe until I opened the freezer. It's frozen solid. I don't want to throw it away because that would be a complete waste and I don't want to stick it in the microwave because, well, it's a frappe. It's supposed to be cold. I'm thinking about thawing it out a little and eat it like it's ice cream, but I don't know.

Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't take long naps.

How do you revive a frozen solid frappe?
October 1st, 2011 at 04:07pm